Travel Companions

Title 分享優惠碼x3
Tour Kokol Hill Sunset at Kasih Sayang
Desire Date 2013-10-12 (Date is fix and not negotiable)
Convener @william@ Male
Content 剛參加了3個團,有3個優惠碼(12月中到期),與大家分享,有興趣者留下email address,方便傳給你.

Post Date 2013-06-19
IP location United States
  • xmzhaowx Female   United States | 2013-06-19 13:45:05


  • xmzhaowx Female   United States | 2013-06-19 13:46:26

    你好,请分享一个优惠码给我,好吗?谢谢[email protected]

  • Reply by convener | 2013-06-19 13:55:12

    Done, check mail.

  • linn Female   United States | 2013-06-19 20:57:50

    [email protected]

  • xan Female   United States | 2013-06-19 21:46:04

    你好,可以分享一个吗?邮箱[email protected],谢谢!!

  • xan Female   United States | 2013-06-19 22:02:18


  • Bowie Female   United States | 2013-06-19 23:28:31


  • Bowie Female   United States | 2013-06-19 23:33:29

    [email protected]

  • Reply by convener | 2013-06-20 00:07:20

    2nd & 3rd code sent to linn & xan based on the principle of first come first serve

    xan, i actually already finished my trip last week, just share the codes here

    sorry Bowie, all codes sent, can't help you

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