Travel Companions

Title 2天1夜美人鱼岛凑数报名火热进行中
Tour 2D1N Mantanani Island Free and Leisure
Desire Date 2011-02-26 (Date is fix and not negotiable)
Convener 肖维佳 Female
Content 已有2人参团,皆为中国人,此行目的是度假。网站回复说“若美人鱼岛行程您们人数达六人,Sabah Booking可以给您们优惠(每人折价RM10)”为了节约,有时间相同的朋友就一起来预订吧。
Post Date 2010-12-19
IP location United States
  • gcchong Male   United States | 2011-01-17 21:24:53

    2月26我们可以加入哦~ 我们有两个人 -- 来自马来西亚。

  • godspeed Male   United States | 2011-02-23 14:31:26


The convener has closed this post / The post has expired